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Free Trumpet Press West

Poster: SCAVard@aol.com

Unto  the taverngoers does a very tired Vard send his greetings, looking for a
sturdy chair and a place to put up his oh-so-tired feet!

Hey gang, does anyone know for CERTAIN whether Free Trumpet Press West has
copies of the Pictorial Dictionary for sale?  At yesterday's meeting of the
proto-incipient Canton of Sudentur (assuming the name passes), I was assured
that FTPW was indeed were selling copies, yet at the FTPW page off of sca.org
it appears not.

I found ONE reference to a second edition on the web, which said, "Pardon this
mini-commercial message, but this is to inform you that Free Trumpet Press
West is proud to now carry “A Pictorial Dictionary of Heraldry”, 2nd Ed, by
Bruce Draconaris of Mistholme and Akagawa Yoshio.  The price is $15 each, all
prices in US dollars, and include shipping, handling and (where applicable)
Illinois sales tax."  That URL is
http://users.aol.com/ebless/ringmail/1098.txt, but it's about a year and a
half out of date, and I can't find confirmation anywhere else!

Every time I see Alanna's, I turn green as my hands covetously paroose her
copy.  I want one of my own, I want it BAD!


Keeper of the secret Chicken Salad recipe, hah hah hah!

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