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Good OOP Music

Poster: Rutlands@aol.com

Good gentles, forgive the intrusion- James of Rutland here.  My mundane 
chorale is doing Mendelsohn's 'Elijah'  at the Brethren Ch. in Frederick, MD, 
on Sat nite the 15th of May at 8:00 and Sun aft the 16th at 3:00-- tickets 
$8, if anyone is interested.  Please mail me back privately-- WE ARE NOT 
ALLOWED TO HAVE MONEY CHANGE HANDS AT THE SITE--a refreshing instance of the 
moneychangers having been kept out of the temple for once-- but I can have 
tickets waiting for you, spot you the money & pick it up later.  We (the 
chorale) are good enough that I can waste your bandwidth proudly.  Call me 
back privately to ask more, but don't hesitate to criticize me publicly-- I 
admit, this is shameless Spamming.  James
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