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Re: what to send

Poster: Donald Wagner <polearmed@worldnet.att.net>

One other point, folks:

Don't be worried about HRM receiving too much stuff.  We don't all know
Stephan that well, but we do know he cares for those around him.  When
his cup runs over, it will benefit others that don't have a kingdom full
of people to support them at this time.

I would also suggest that you send letters of a generic nature, with a
self-addressed stamp envelope.  Address it to: A friend of my King. 
Wait to see if you receive a reply.  The best support some people can
receive is a simple letter that says we support your effort.

My entire AT&T location did this for my brother during Desert Storm.  He
received a box of over 150 letters, all with reply envelopes provided. 
His CO sent a kind thank you for the morale boost.  Granted, Germany is
not a camp-out in the desert, but I have a feeling it might be just as
well appreciated.


Nancy Davis wrote:
> Poster: Nancy Davis <nancyad@mindspring.com>
> Anne wrote:
> >His Majesty is serving in a hospital in Germany (I believe to allow
> >someone else to be deployed closer to the front).
> So he really does not need chocolate. Germany has lots of good chocolate :-).
> And if I remember from my two years in Frankfurt, summer was only the third
> week of July(on average). The remainder of  the season was pleasantly
> Spring-like by Atlantian standards. So white chocolate chip macadamia nut
> banana bread would probably not be in danger of melting ;-)
> Ysolt
> -------------------------
> Nancy A. Davis
> nancyad@mindspring.com
> Lady Ysolt la Bretonne, CP
> MoAS, Canton of Buckston-on-Eno
> Deputy KMoAS for NC
> Archery Marshal
> Member of the Queen's Guard
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