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honor, etc.

Poster: Janine H Sutter <jsutter@scotland.ces.state.nc.us>

Greetings!  At the time that I joined the SCA, I felt very much that all men
were evil and chiv was dead!  Nowadays, I feel the exact opposite.  I see many
people doing very nice things for others in the SCA that I do not see in the
mundane world.  A few years ago, I brought a friend to an event and he lost a
pouch with a good amount of money in it.  Two teenagers found it and returned
it to troll-all of the money was there.  I doubt this would happen if the pouch
had been dropped on most main streets.  But, while we show more courtesy than
the mundane world, there is still some room for improvement.  At an event I was
at recently, I was carrying my one year old on one hip, had a watermelon in the
other arm and was 6 months pregnant.  Now, all of the fighters were on the
field, but there were plently of other gentlemen standing around WATCHING me
carry this stuff.  I am capable of carrying the stuff I pick up, it just seemed
that one person could have made the offer to help!  I think we just all have to
be mindful that while we are in the SCA to have a good time and not to spend
all day carrying things for others, a little extra effort on all of our parts
will make the SCA an even better place to play!!  Kari
Janine Honey Sutter
E-Mail  : jsutter@scotland
Internet: jsutter@scotland.ces.ncsu.edu
Phone   : 9102772422
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