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Re: Courtesy and Honor in SCA

Poster: achbar@bellsouth.net (James Morrow)

>In the past year and a half since I joined the SCA, I have seen backbiting, 
>name-calling, political maneuvering and downright vicious/malicious behavior 
>the likes of which would make most soap opera divas cringe.  (And doubtless I 
>will be the subject of many such attacks once word of this post gets around.) 
> No, I don't know why I'm still in it if it's =That Bad=.  I renewed last 
>fall with the expectation/hope that it would get better.  Instead, it has 
>gotten worse.  So I am going to allow my membership to lapse after this year.
  You find this in more than just the SCA.  I have found it in most
fandom organizations that I have joined.  It is just one of those
things.   There is no excuse for it.


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