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Re[2]: A question for Ianthe

     Henry writes to Corun as part of their continuing discussion on the 
     correct pronunciation of my name:
   If I understood Ianthe's response, in spirit, we can pronounce the
name any way we see fit.
   Truly, Ianthe must be a cosmopolitan sort of lady, and accustomed to
the well-meaning ignorance of foreigners. I will probably go with a 
pronunciation of "hay - yoo", basically a wide interpretation of the 
vowels with drastically softened consonants.
--Henry the Learned
     I reply to the obviously overworked Chancellor Henry, deep amidst  
     catalog drafts for the upcoming University session:
     By all means, you may pronounce my name "Hay-Yoo."  Of course, if you 
     do, I celebrate your spirit of cross-cultural tolerance by pronouncing 
     your name "Ecki-Ecki-Ecki-Piyoo-Pitang".
     Oh, and that's "Countess Hay-Yoo".  I wouldn't want to anger Don 
     Fernando by omitting his gift of love, thereby denigrating his 
     accomplishment.  He celebrates tolerance in his own way, pronouncing 
     my name "Moose."
     -Ianthe                                     kim.salazar@em.doe.gov
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