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Re: g&pd 6 furor

alianora wrote, after a fine post on the etymology of 'medieval' :

> We call ourselves a "non-profit educational organization."  If we're not
> taking the educational part seriously, perhaps we should.  Even seemingly
> trivial educational details, like what "medieval" really means, can be
> important, and a few simple definitions for the uninformed could save us
> a lot of grief, not to mention the trouble of reinventing our vocabulary.

vivat!  there are other ways to distinguish ourselves from a cult than 
simply avoiding the superficial appearance of culthood, and education is 
by far the best of them.  having literature around which clearly and 
thoroughly explains who we are & why we're all standing around in funny 
clothes is far & away the best way to teach people what we're about.  
absent that, one articulate and *informed* individual can do wonders...

we aren't a cult, and we aren't religious fanatics of any stripe.  i 
don't think we need to misrepresent ourselves to get that point across!  
we just have to do a better job of presenting ourselves, period.

to that end, what productive alternatives can we offer, in the interest 
of accurate representation, to the current radical misinterpretations of 
g&pd6?  what can we do to teach others of ourselves while remaining true 
to who we are?

					in service,


angharad melys, guard d'argent
sacred stone / windmaster's hill, atlantia