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Re: Re[3]: Non Fighting Event Activities -Reply

I really hate to continue this thread, but.
>>> Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>
07/26/95 01:22pm writes:>>>
>Falcone writes:

>> >I'm sure you'll find some knight willing
to pitch in.
>>  > That's a sticky response Corun. 
Really ripped my hair out.  Besides, I am
>> getting "tarred" of your punn-ishing

>Sorry, it's not my asfault. ;-)

Corun, I've got to warn you that you're
crossing that thin white line. . .you're
going to have to shoulder the burden and
learn to curb yourself before you travel
further down this road.  You're burning your
bridges on the highway to hell, and even the
best carmor can't turnpikes forever. . .

Besides, that's not asfault. . .

that's tar,Mac.

Antisocially yours,
