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Re: Story telling

On Sun, 1 Oct 1995 HaMizrachi@aol.com wrote:

> I am interested in trying to get stary-telling started on a regular basis.
>  My thought is to open my house up once a month to anyone interested (unless
> there is a better location).  I would like to start in November, to have time
> to spread the word.  I live in the incipient shire of Rochsburie Mill,
> mundanely in Montgomery County.
> I would like to get feedback from my fellow tavern flies assembled here.  Is
> this something in which people are interested?  And, if so, what is a
> convenient night?

This sounds like a great idea!  In fact, I am trying to start up a 
similar monthly tradition in my Shire, Sylvan Glen (mundanely, Eastern 
Panhandle of WV).  The first gathering, on 22 September, was fairly 
successful, with about 4 or 5 people from my own shire and 4 or 5 from 
Highland Foorde, given that it was announced on such short notice.  

But I would be interested in attending your gathering, as would, 
hopefully, several others in Sylvan Glen.  Best night?  For most in my 
shire, probably Friday evening (we have a fair amount of college students).

Istvan Dragosani                     | "Go not to the Elves for counsel,
bmccoy@capaccess.org                 |  for they will say both no and yes"
Minstrel, Mage, Sage, Wooer of Women |      -- JRR Tolkien
and General Friend of all Nature...  |