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Re: Selecting Crowns
> Both Alfredo and Jonathan have wondered about the notion of having more
> viscounts kicking around. They both seem to think that this might not be
> a good thing. Frankly, considering how much I've come to respect both
> Viscount Wolfbrandr and Viscountess Leia, I can't imagine any reason not
> to have more of them around.
I have read you opinions on This subject. I respect what You say. You
express Yourself very well. We don't need more Principalities withiun
this Kingdom.
> Jonathan seems to think having a bunch of intra-kingdom wars on the
> schedule would be a good idea. Considering the fact that for the last
> few years we have not been allowed (by the Crown) to have Inter-baronial
> wars, just because of the bad blood they engender, the idea of
> inter-regional wars does not wash well. Wars, including Pennsic, start
> to get stall and nasty if repeated to often. I don't object to the idea
> of an occasional war, especially if the groups form different alliances
> at each one. Annual, and semi-annual wars are just not that great an idea.
Again, you make a good point. More Wars are a Great Idea I
think. They are alot of fun for most of us. The Ban on Inter Baronial
Wars is silly. I think more people would behave themselves and not have
Bad feelings towards these activities. Several years agao, we had a
Border War with Nottinghill Coill and it was great. We use to have
annual Battles with Thor's Mountain. These should be encouraged and not
discouraged. I honestly believe these wars could halp more than hurt.
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