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RE: What's the Point(less)?

Poster: Gregory Stapleton <gregsta@MICROSOFT.com>

Deirdre writes:
>There are many ways to build friendship and bonds between kingdoms.  Fighting
>may be the best way to attract big notice, but lasting ties can be made in
other ways as well and can involve and benefit the populace who are not
>Deirdre O'Siodhachain, OL
I think what might be very interesting to try would be an Interkingdom
Potlatch.  For those of you unfamiliar with the term Potlatch, it is a
practice developed by the Kwakutel (sp? Northwest Coast) Indians.  They
would get together and build a large fire and you gained prestige by
being the one to burn up / destroy the most valuable goods.  There's a
lot more to it than this, but I believe you get the idea.

What I would propose, instead of burning up stuff / destroying it, we
could have an event, centrally located, and invite the surrounding
Kingdoms.  There could be all the heavy fighting anyone could want,
though that would not be the main focus of the event.  I envision each
Kingdom setting up a camp and throwing a party, for lack of a better
description, with food, drink and entertainment,  and presenting the
other Kingdoms with gifts.  This would not necessarily be restricted to
the crowns, though it could be done this way.  The populace could be
involved in this gifting as well.  The Kingdom which displayed the
greatest hospitality, friendliness, and generosity would be the winner.


>Lord Gawain Kilgore
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