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Re: kane stories

Poster: blackbow@juno.com (David H Ritterskamp)

Melys wrote:

>realizing 30 seconds before feast at emerald joust that while i'd 
>plates, bowls, and mugs for my friends, i didn't have ANY 
>silverware...  i
>was scrounging around trying to find something, anything, for them to 
>with, and he leans over from the next table and hands me a fistful of
>forks, knives, and spoons.  that's SO kane, to me - to need something 
>he just magically makes it appear... 

[We should probably leave the magic in place, then...we won't tell you
WHERE any of that came from...(lift, grunt, sweat)]

>i was looking through my photos last night, and it's funny - i don't 
>any pictures OF kane.   he's IN a lot of them, tho, somewhere off to 
>side with that enormous grin on his face.  i miss him already...
[For those of you who didn't know, Kane would go to great lengths to
avoid having his picture taken.  We (my lady, Maeve, that is) have quite
a few pictures.  Mostly due to Maeve's insistence and subtle maneuvering
(*hammers, and the like...*)]

Ld. Jonathan Blackbow
Squire, Clan O'Shannon

[PS - any who would like to write to Maeve, her email is 


and I feel sure that it would be well received.  Thanks...]

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