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Re: Pennsic - road conditions

Poster: einar@cvn.net (einar)

At 04:45 PM 7/28/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>
>Ivan wrote:
>  I have come to the conclusion that there must be a state law in
>  Pennsylvania that says that all Interstate Highways must be 
>  under construction during the Summer and all major holidays.
>You might like the little story I posted to the Eastern list a few days ago:
>So, William Wodehose walks into my office, and says "Do you have any
>information on construction on I-80? I'm trying to decide over the northern
>and southern routes to Pennsic."  (He knows I'm a nut case with a web
>I say "Let's see if PennDOT has a web page.  And it does have a web page:
>    http://www.ppt.psu.edu/
>William and I both collapse with laughter: the opening graphic has little
>construction machines on it, and it says "Welcome to the Pennsylvania
>Department of Transportation.  Our web site is always under construction to
>serve you better!"
>	Tibor

Virginia is for Lovers
and Maryland may be for Crabs
Pennsylvania is for POTHOLES!!!!

Einar and Elen

who both live with the axle-eating suckers!

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