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Re: In Search of Patterns

Poster: Debbie Halstead <djh3a@onyx.pvcc.cc.va.us>

On Thu, 6 Nov 1997 RowenRhys@aol.com wrote:

> Poster: RowenRhys@aol.com
> ::Hoping to change the subject to something more light::
> At the VA Ren. Fest this past year I saw a merchant selling patterns.  They
> had Medieval Misc. (which I am familiar with) but they also had another
> company's patterns.  These patterns were cheaper, simpler, and I believe came
> from a company in Northern VA.  Does anyone know of a way that I can contact
> this company to get a catalog?  Or does anyone know where I can find these
> patterns?  It would be most appreciated!
Oh, dear. Somewhere, probably in the deep dark depths of my car, I believe
I have the info on them -- if not, I have some friends who have done the
reveler's guild at Virginia Ren the past couple of years -- one of them
might know, as well. (One just had a full Rennaissance wedding -- but the
place had a DJ free with the venue -- after the English country dancing
was over, we kicked off the mundane music [if you can call it that] with
the Time Warp! Just imagine -- a jump to the left in hoop skirts!)

trying to play a little more

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