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A Simple Request...
Poster: RowenRhys@aol.com
To those good gentles assembled here,
Greetings! I have 2 issues on which I wish to air my thoughts. Firstly being
smoking at events...now I know that we have all hashed this over before but I
recently attended an event where, in order to watch the fighting, I had to
constantly keep moving away from people smoking very close to the field. I
take great pride in my garb and do not wish it to reak of smoke while just
trying to participate in the normal ongoings of events..Also I wish to make
clear that I am not chastizing our great King Logan but would simply like to
place the following before his majesty and the populace: A king sets a great
example for his subjects and if the king validates a behavior then his
subjects are likely to follow contrary to kingdom law.
My 2nd issue deals with a general rudeness which both my husband and I have
experienced of late. Take the following example:
At Stierbach Elevation yesterday (which in itself was a marvelous event with
an astounding feast) my husband was using the restroom when someone who wanted
to make some calls on their cell phone came in and demanded that it was the
Autocrat's Office and consequently that he needed to vacate immediately. I
would like to say that this individual was NOT the autocrat who I later
pointed out to my husband for identification purposes. I do not know who this
individual was but not only did he ruin my husband's enjoyment of yesterday's
event but he also has caused my husband to cease interest in any further
events. This is not a solitary exapmle of what we have encountered over the
past year and it happened to be the last nail in the coffin. Because of this
my husband is now questioning why I would subject myself to the company of
such people. I have met many wonderful individuals whose company I cherish
greatly but unfortunately I have met MORE whose rudeness has brought me to
So what I ask is this: Please be aware of those around you and give those who
are not familiar to you the respect which should be synonymous with the SCA so
that all may enjoy their experience whether it is thier 1st or their 100th
Thank you for your consideration,
Rowen ferch Rhys
P.S. If anyone reading the above occurance finds that the shoes fits they can
make an apology to JAMEZILLA@aol.com
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