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Templars and the Crusades

Poster: Rick Wynne <richard@speakeasy.org>

Unto the Good People of the Known World does Brother Richard de Tyre send
his humble greetings,

 For those peope who are not familiar with me, allow me to introduce
myself. I am Brother Richard de Tyre, of the Order of the Temple of
Solomon, and I am pronouncing a new web site forum for research and
discussion for those of interest in the historical order of the Templars
and the Crusades.

 Our dream within the Dream is to recreate those noble brothers within the
Society. I call on all those with Templar personas or anyone interested in
learning more about them and the Crusades to see our web site and contact
me. We have created a meeting place for all interested in the Templars and
we are collecting links, graphics and text related to them. So far we have
made contact with a couple of Templar "households" and scattered
individuals from all across the globe.

 It is a new site and we seek suggestions, advice and other input to make
it a better place for all. Some of you reading this missive have already
run across me spreading the news and I apologize for what may seem a
shameless advertising campaign but I seek to reach all people, far and

Order of the Temple of Solomon

 I would like to thank you all for taking the time to read this missive
and encourage you to come by and take a look at our work. Safe journeys!

Non Nobis, Domine, Non Nobis Sed Nomini Tuo Da Gloriam
(Not to us, Lord, not to us but to Thy name give the Glory)

In Service to the Temple,
Brother Richard de Tyre
Order of the Temple of Solomon

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