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Parking and all that...

Poster: Jessica Rechtschaffer <jsrechts@email.unc.edu>

One of the ideals of the SCA is to leave the 20th century behind us.
Funny that we can't seem to leave our cars behind us as well.  I believe
the parking problem - read, a refusal to park cars in designated spots is
yet another yet another hypocritical habit we American Scadians have seem
to developed.   I say American because of the following observation by
Will, an exchange student from Lochac (Australia) had.  Will said to me:

"The biggest difference between the SCA here and in Australia is that you
guys have the annoying habit of driving all over the site, leaving cars
in camping spaces and driving to the battle field.  That is not tolerated
in the SCA back home.  I think it really ruins the atmosphere because the
point of the SCA is to get away from all that."

I asked, "How to you schlep all your gear around?"

He said, "We make wooden dollies or wooden wagons to carry things back and
forth and it works quite well and adds to the atmosphere.  I can't stand
having all these cars driving though."

Perhaps we can get groups together to build wagons and whatnot for
transport so that way we don't ruin the site and ruin the atmosphere with


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