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Re: A response to Their Maj. Letter in the Acorn

Poster: Donald Wagner <polearmed@worldnet.att.net>

Steffan, Balynar, and the rest!

Travis Brandel wrote:
> Poster: Travis Brandel <travis@freedomnet.com>
> Rowanwald Central wrote:
> >
> > Poster: "Rowanwald Central" <rownwald@gte.net>
> >
> > Lord Steffan,
> >     I cannot imagine why you would wish to post such a remark in this
> > forum...and am appalled that you find it necessary to tell the rest of us
> > your opinion about Her Majesty's letter. Such remarks are best left unsaid,
> > or made privately to Their Majesties.
> >
> > Rosine of Rowanwald
> >
> Sorry, but I don't agree at all. While i may not share Stephans view on
> the letter , i can honestly say that not only is it his right , but his
> obligation. If there is a problem, then it needs to be adressed in a
> prompt  and blatant fashion.
> Anyway, my two cents
> Balynar

Nobody has to share Stephan's view to know that this was terribly
inappropriate, Balynar.  I don't like the fact that both or TRMs won't
be in every court either, but I took a minute to understand.  Maybe it
helps that I have kids, huh?  Regardless, a response like "If you can't
handle the job.  Don't fight for the crown." not only comes across as
base and bellicose, it isn't even anywhere close to being grammatically

Steffan, next time you need to puff up, get out Gregg's Reference and
learn to write so we can understand what your really trying to say and
won't feel compelled to treat you like a lesser peasant.  That certainly
isn't the place you've earned.  You usually show much more class than
that.  I can't even postulate where this crap came from, because it
doesn't sound like it really came from you.

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