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regarding Their Magesties

Poster: E-Lady@worldnet.att.net (Elizabeth Orwig)

I must say I am more than a little disusted by that gentle's post.  It is
first of all VERY period for one or BOTH of the King and Queen to NOT be
present during court if they so chose to do so. Without appology OR reason
given. It is THEIR right.  We are graced by those who are able to be there,
and by those who take into account that even if they can[t they would like
to, and tell us so. Remember that.

During period, a person making such a flagrant traitorous remark in a public
forum would be brought to court or populace assembly and publicly flogged
for all to see. Feel lucky we don't actually do that.

I have not played in Atlantia long. I have met some good people here.  I
miss my homelands (for there are 2) and those people I have left behind.  I
am proud and honored to be in the households I am in.  I would NEVER
dishonor myself or my house by such a remark.  I was brought up here to KNOW
that if one does not respect the person wearing the crown, you must STILL
RESPECT that CROWN.  If you cannot find it in yourself to do either or both,
then maybe it's time to take a step back and sit it out for the duration of
that reign.  I know some who have done that.

Good gentle, if you care not for what others think of you after your post,
take heed for what they will think of those close to you for your words.
You not only affect yourself, but others.  A lesson learned hard and long

I will now step off my soapbox and return you to your regularly scheduled

Erzebet Fauconneau
    "Come into these arms again,
                And set this spirit free......."

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