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Lord Stephan

Poster: Yakgodess <Yakgodess@aol.com>

Greetings to all from Lady Adrianna Broussard who is not only standing on a
soap box but has sleeves rolled up and is ready to fight!

Lord Stephan, 
                    How dare you assume you understand the role of our
Monarchs!!  It seems to me sir, that you are not only endlessly rude; but a
coward as well...  if you feel that TRM are not "doing the job" then perhaps
you should get out from behind your keyboard and address them privately to
discuss your perspective.  In a society based on honor and chivalry it is
inconceivable of you to viciously attack our Monarchs via a posting on this
forum.  I can only assume that you blindly make such comments because you are
afraid to travel to meet your Monarchs?  By the way, have you even considered
what sitting through court with a screaming 5 year old child would be like.
No, I doubt you have.  I believe you must be a small minded man who sits by in
judgement of others.  How does that feel to know that you are being judged at
this moment by many who you know as your peers?  It is my hope that my eyes
never grace your presence sir, for this is as kind as I could bring myself to
be.  And if there still were public floggings please know that I would want to
watch---  today you have insulted not only the society and the kingdom but two
of Atlantia's finest servants.  Vivat to their Royal Majesties for upholding
their obligations to Atlantia and to Kaylun.

I apologize in advance to any (other than Stephan) that I may have offended.
I realize that this may seem harsh; however "an eye for and eye..." and all
that.  I now step down from my box as well.
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