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Remarks about TRM etc.

Poster: Jessica Rechtschaffer <jsrechts@email.unc.edu>

It seems to me that we are very quick to put down Stephan for his views.
The merryrose and other electronic forums have been often described as a
"campfire" in which we all yak our views on more or less everything.  Some
of us happen to be more vocal than others in their viewpoints.

We are quick to say that Stephan is being a traitor, unchivalrous,
belligerant and disrespectful.  I think all these responses are fairly
ridiculous.  Let's put it in a different light.

We all know about the recent Clinton scandal re: Monica Lewinski, Linda
Tripp, Catherine Wiley etc.  Some newspaper reporters and some members of
Congress have either outright said or toyed around with the notion of
calling for Clinton to resign.  Are those people out of line?  Are
they traitors or disrespectful?  No, they are voicing their opinion. 

So lets get back to Stephan.  Stephan feels that TRM are not up to the
job, just as a number of people feel that Clinton is not up
to his job.  Is his statement that outrageous?  I don't think so.

Stephan probably could have better backed up his reasons but he didn't.
Now it's our job as chivalrous and well behaved behaviors that we like to
be to ask, "Stephan, you obviously feel very strongly about this, can
you elaborate on your statement, we would like to know why you feel this

Saying, "Traitor, how DARE you say that sort of thing, I ought to take you
out back and ..." is one aspect of the Middle Ages (and today's society)
that we want to avoid.  This not what our game is founded on nor should it

Another way of looking at it is that Stephan wanted to use a provocative
statement to get a conversation about real life vs. SCA life going.  The
late Bella Abzug did this very often though not in an SCA context of


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