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RE: light-hearted and fun

Poster: "Peters, Rise J." <PetersR@spiegel.becltd.com>

Anarra wrote:

>>What is your ideal venue for A&S?  What would make you go out of your
way to enter/display your creations/knowledge?

Almost any chance to teach.  I'll go to great lengths for an occasion to
teach other folks how to play with glass.  The teaching itself gives me
great pleasure, and then I am doubly rewarded by enlarging the group that
likes to talk about and experiment with glass.  I get as much or more joy
out of the beautiful work done by those that have taken my classes, than I
do my own work.

I really enjoy doing "walk by" demos at events that aren't hosting classes
as such.  Because what I do is so portable, I can take my materials and set
up in a corner, and then get the chance to make some beads, show a lot of
people how simple it is, and give away the products of the day  as a
reminder to people who may want to try it sometime.

>>Competition or Display?

I enjoy competitions and displays but mainly as bait<g> to get folks
interested in learning to do it themselves.


Prizes are nice.  But not necessary.

>>Theme?  Topic?  Way of displaying?  Kind of event?

I really, really enjoyed the "curriculum vitae" event you folks hosted at
Emerald Joust.  That's one of the high points of my SCA career.

Documentation?  If so what kind?

>>What kind of comments do you like to see/receive??

I like comments that indicate that the person judging understood what it was
I was trying to do.  Suggestions about better ways to do it are also
welcome.  A reference to a new source of information would be the best of

=Caitlin Cheannlaidir
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