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Re: A new idea perhaps?

Poster: Erik Dutton <edutton@worldnet.att.net>

AEdric the Grene wrote:
> I know of at least three people who won Kingdom-level awards for work
> they did for a Barony (One of them actually did end up with both the Kingdom and
> Barony award).  Seems kinda confusing to me.

As a native Atlantian, the unspoken assumption that I have absorbed
through the skin is that to a point, and depending on the nature of the
service, service to one's Barony/Shire at meta-levels is *also* service
to the Kingdom (much as extraordinary service to the Canton is also
service to the Barony/Shire).

I also know people who have never held a Kingdom office, or really
played much at Kingdom level, but whose level of service at the Baronial
level has been so consistent and outstanding that some time after
receiving the Baronial service award, the folks in their Barony
campaigned for Kingdom-level honors for them. Just because you're not
working directly for a Kingdom-level office or the Crowns, doesn't mean
your service is not contributing to the Kingdom as a whole.

Just my two shillings.

In service (to Barony and Kingdom),
Rhodri ap Hywel
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