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Re: Awards and such

Poster: Diane Stevens <nolarec@hwy5.net>

Corun MacAnndra wrote:
> Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>
> Greetings,
> I have a question that will help me in putting together the draft of the
> recommendation form. Perhaps some formers Monarchs (that's you Logan) can
> answer this best.
> There are four Orders of Merit in Atlantia. These coupled with the AoA make
> five awards for which people can send in letters of recommendation. My
> question is, does the Crown entertain letters of recommendation for other
> awards, such as Shark's Tooth, Yew Bow, Kraken, Silver Nautilus, QOC, KAE,
> Herring, Sea Urchin, Undine? None of these are either polling orders (or
> Orders at all except the QOC which is considered an Order in the sense that
> one can only be inducted once), nor are they armigerous. Also, one can
> receive any of these more than once (again, except for the QOC). This is
> what is printed about the awards on the Atlantia web site. This information
> was also printed in Tournaments Illuminated in Winter 1996. It is my
> understanding, at this point, that these are just given out at the
> discretion of the Monarchs. I ask this in order to know whether to include
> these on the form. There's no sense in having people sending in letters
> for, say an Undine, when it's given at the discretion of the Queen.
> In service,
> Corun
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As a former Royal, I can speak at least for Anton & I when I say that we
considered Award recommendations for just about any Award or Peerage in
Atlantia.  Now let me qualify this.  It is not really proper to
recommend that someone be given an Undine or a KAE, as these are given
solely for service/excellence by judgement of the Monarchs.  But we
would listen to any other recommendation, even a Peerage recommendation.
For example, during one of our reigns we did get a couple of letters for
a gentle recommending a Peerage and giving some darn good reasons why
they felt this person had been overlooked.  I brought this gentle's name
up at the Peerage meeting and asked for comments.  I got a lot of blank
stares and some "Oh, I know her work.  Isn't that gentle on the watch
list?"  Well, the gentle wasn't on the watch list at the time, but was
put on it at that meeting.  The result was that the gentle received the
Peerage during the next reign.  See, even the Peerages have a hard time
keeping up with everyone who is deserving.  That's why input from the
populace is so important.

Also, even if you don't know which specific award to recommend,  you
should write a letter detailing why you think the person deserves some
sort of recognition, state if they have any Awards (if you know) and
then leave it up to the Monarchs to pick the appropriate recognition. 
We received several letters like this--some of which resulted in a Grant
of Arms, a Court Baronetcy, a Golden Dolphin, AoA's, etc.  Also, to be
honest, a few did not receive awards because after investigation, it was
not felt to be merited at that time.  I hope this is helpful

In service to Atlantia,

Duchess Luned
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