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Re: method for Royalty Selection

Poster: Michael Ruttle <mruttle@xperts.com>

First stage in the development of public policy is to determine first if 
their is a need.

*Is there a NEED to change the status quo and why?

Before we spend a lot of time defining the how, the why needs to be 
clearly defined.
Is there some segment of the population that is not being served be the 
current system of granting awards and recognition?  And, is it a strong 
enough need to overcome our following of tradition?

Fighting, A&S, and Service all have top positions that one can strive 
Would making it easier for a fighter to become the Golden Dolphin serve 
the Kingdom in any fashion?

Start at the beginning.

Why before How.

Colin Gordon (*), "A" lefty from Caer Mear.  We come in six-packs

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