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Re: On the differences between the North and South...

Poster: Beiskaldi@aol.com

In a message dated 98-09-14 09:48:09 EDT, amanda@walker.reston.va.us writes:

>Why do think this would be so any more than it is today?
>One of the factors at hand is simple geography.  It's easier
>for me to go to many events in the East or Aethelmarc than to
>many Atlantian events.  That, combined with a desire to only
>go to so many camping events in a year, have far more of an
>effect on my travel patterns than some arbitrary political
>Arwen ferch Morgan
>Ponte Alto, Atlantia

Speaking for myself and not other members of my shire, I second that.  There
are shires in *both* AEthelmarc and Eastrealm that are about 15-20 minutes
away from where I live.  On the other hand, Roxbury Mill is at minimum at 45
minute drive, and that is just to reach the closest border, not where the
actual event is held.  Travelling outside the northern region for me is based
on a number of things, such as available funds at the time, whether I have
leave time accumulated to take off work early (I do not find it enjoyable or
practical to make an 8 hour drive then turn around and come back within 24
hours).  In fact, travelling within the northern region is affected the same
way--I have yet to make it to some of the eastern parts.  My decisions to
attend an event are based on many other factors than whether the event is an
RP, whether it is "North vs. South" or whether other such political issues can
be affected by it.

In service, Thyra
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