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Re: Sumptuary Laws
Poster: Kevin of Thornbury <kevin@maxson.com>
Oh, I need to apologize here, and right quick.
I wrote:
"If you'll recall, Midrealm squires often wear silver chains, and I've
seen some with spurs, too. I'm glad you don't see that in Atlantia,
It's been pointed out that there are knights in Atlantia that do require
their squires to wear chains or spurs. I didn't mean my earlier comment
to disparage those people. I prefer to wear a red belt as a sign of my
relationship with my knight, but it doesn't mean that I don't like the
Oldcastle squires for wearing blue belts. I'm just glad I have a red
one. (In fact, I'm given to understand the Oldcastle blue-belt
tradition outdates the red-belt tradition.)
Please don't let my comments about chains and spurs offend you. If they
did, I apologize wholeheartedly - and will apologize to anyone
individually whom I did offend. While my comment was a personal
opinion, as stated, I will not let that remove blame from me if I've
made someone upset. It was not my intent.
I'm about to write one of those individual apologies now.
|+^+| Lord Kevin of Thornbury, Esquire
|/+\| Who doesn't do chain/spurs, and won't ridicule if you do.
\_/ kevin@maxson.com http://www.atlantia.sca.org
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