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Re: Off topic but important

Poster: Eli White <eliwhite@home.com>

Sorry to continue an off topic thread, but ... :)

I just wanted to also throw in my 2 cents.  If someone is TOTALLY not
informed of the status of any of the candidates running the current
election, and therefore has NO idea of their own as to which candidates
they should vote for, then they should not vote.

I have seen too many times situtions of:  "People being told:  You must
Vote, You must Vote, You must Vote."  And therefore they go and vote, but
not knowing anything about hte current campaign, they either randomly pick
candidates, or outright choose the "All Democratic Candidates" or "All
Republican Candidates" choice since they have no better idea.

In these situations I feel it would have been better had the person not
voted at all.  For example, what if they voted, decided "Adolf Hitler"
sounded like a neat name, and ended up being that 1 vote that got him in,
and had they been informed, would not have voted for him.

(WARNING - This is all my personal opinion, and noone else's)

Siegfried Sebastian Faust

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