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RE: photos

Poster: Julien de Montfort <julien@spiaggia.org>

> Just in case you would like to cover yourselves when taking pictures
> you may want put on your web site, here is an example of an industry
> accepted Model Release form. This type of form is used by every

Photocopiable SCA/Atlantian Release Forms also appear periodically in
the center pull-out section of the Acorn.


Seigneur Julien de Montfort                  De sable, seme d'hermines
"Solum Dice Nullus Sunt Suficio"          d'or, un chef emanche argent
Seneschal, Web Minister, pursuivant@large
Canton de Spiaggia Levantina                   http://www.spiaggia.org
Bright Hills, Atlantia                             julien@spiaggia.org
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