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Re: Arms? I thought they were appendages?

Poster: Mlonski@aol.com

In a message dated 96-11-07 15:01:33 EST, Laird Eogan writes:

<<FACT:  My AoA scroll appears to be a Xeroxed copy of a standard scroll 
 that has been colored in and my name inserted in the appropriate blanks.  
 Several other gentles received their AoAs on the same day I did.  I 
 admired their scrolls, which were different than mine, but said basically 
 the same thing.  Thus we can assume my scroll is not an anomalie.

Just a quick note from Aedan.  What you really received was a promissary
scroll.  It gives you something to hang on to while a "real" AOA scroll is
created.  If you find someone to create one for you, notify the Clerk
otherwise, someone, somewhere, will eventually be asked to make one for
you.  Needlessly duplicating this effort is a horrible waste of someone's

Many promissaries don't have room for the blazon but the real thing should
have both the blazon and the device itself.

Thanks to those scribes that labor away making beautiful stuff for folks you
don't know...

Aedan (the picky)
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