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Re: Autocratting an event

Poster: Bards keep <s0jswelc@atlas.vcu.edu>

> Poster: Janet Toney/Terry Neill <71035.3227@CompuServe.COM>
> >>>And just to make sure that I don't make a complete mess of it, does anyone
> any pointers to give me?  They would be very appreciated. I never pass up free
<snip lady Annarra's various pointers and experience gained
autocrating Emerald and other events, since the age of 14>
> 1. Everyone has fun (including you)
> 2. You don't lose money
> 3. You don't run out of toilet paper
> Good Luck!  Have Fun!
> 	- Anarra Karlsdottir
---->I agree with almost everthing you said,except rule #2.I
believe that it is sometimes not possible to offer a good event
and come in under or even on budget.While this should be a
goal,so that having events is not putting the group in the red every
month, realisticilly some smaller groups who don't get the
attendance, and esp. the money that comes to Caer Mear because of
Emerald may have to make the sacrifice of gruop funds to do that.
 Groups have to spend money to make events worth coming
to, and sometimes that little bit extra, that can drive you over
budget, can add engough to make the event worth coming to a year
or two down the road.Groups that spend money to make the event
more comfortable for their guests reap the return, if not in
group funds now,or down the road, but in reputation. It's always
great to here "Wow, group X throws the spiffest event."
And there are always emerigancies, as you pointed out, and
sometimes those cost a bit more than even a good autocrat's
emergancy fund can cover.That is why, IMO, groups have money in
the bank. It's the only good reason a "not-for-profit" group
should have money sitting around.
    Which of course leads to another
arguement,that events aren't suspose to make money. That if a
group is in nead to funds it should make them the way other
social groups do: fund raisers. This to me, seems highly
preferable to charging more for a event than is needed.
   Is it just me or are events becoming more expensive, in this Kingdom?
(I say in this Kingdom, because I know that even our most
expensive event in Atlantia pales to the cost of events in other
Kingdoms.)Why are events so much more expensive than when I
joined 6 or 7 years ago? Is it inflation? The rising cost of
sites? Do people on this list really believe that we are offering
more services to our guest(read each other) that warrent the
additional cost?

I'd appreciate the thoughts on this one,

BdeB(who def. believes in spending money on Toilet Paper! :) )
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