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Re: A new idea perhaps? Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Poster: Logan & Arielle <sirlogan@mail.clt.bellsouth.net>

I think you have nailed the proverbial nail on the head with this one.  One thing
that I noticed (which also made me pretty mad) when we sent out say, Order of the
Golden Dolphin pollings, was the number of responses that we got back that said
"Lord Bob doesn't even have the Baronial service award.  Why would you expect him
to be considered for the Kingdom level service award".  When I brought this up to
the various orders at Unevent, my response (which was probably not too PC) was
"that wasn't the question dummy".  The question was whether or not this persons
service to the Kingdom, as a whole, deserves recognition and inclusion into a
particular order.  There is no secret to the differences between Baronial and
Kingdom level recognition.  One is for work/service/whatever to one group and the
other is for work/service/whatever to the other.  Pretty simple.  Now I am not
saying that doing work/service/whatever for one doesn't help the other, but they
are two separate issues.  One can, and does, sometimes lead to the other, but they
must be judged by their own weight.

     And while I am here, I agree wholeheartedly with Alisoun's statement regarding
form letter's and petitions as being tacky.  They are.  Now I do think that if a
person is really busting their ass for their group (oh if that word offends
you.....uhhh....call me) and doing a lot of good work, but isn't really well known
outside of you canton/shire/barony, then I think it's a fine idea to have anyone
interested sit down and write their ideas as to why this person should get, say, an
AoA.  Then compile those ideas into a well written (and brief) letter and have
those that wrote it sign it.  That works well and speaks highly of the person in
question.  For a Peerage, however,  (in my opinion as I am sure that there are
those who will mumble amongst themselves as to how wrong I am about this) it is
tacky and without merit.  There is a lot to be said about someone's work if it
inspires people to take the time to sit down, and put in writing,  that
inspiration.  There isn't much to be said about the same if all it takes is someone
saying "hey buddy, will you sign this?".

If you really want to see someone, whether they have "fallen through he cracks, as
in many an AoA and more". or that simply has earned some recognition, recognized
for their work, write a letter.  Otherwise don't complain.  I know that there are
those that have written the same letter every year about someone and never had it
answered by way of an award.  We received some of those during both of our reigns.
I can only site an example for you.  A person, whom had written the Crowns for
three or four years straight about the same individual and had never seen this
person recognized, called me one night during our first reign to ask why.  I
explained that although this person's work was certainly good, it also wasn't
certainly good enough (yes by our expectations) for the award (Peerage) they were
recommending.  After about an hour of discussion we were both enlightened as to the
situation and came to an understanding as to what was expected.

This person will be recognized some day soon as a peer (I hope).  But, only when
they become a peer.  The writer of the letter understood much better after our
discussion and no longer has unwarranted, hurt, feelings about it.  My suggestion
is that if you think that an injustice has occurred in someone not being recognized
for what you think they have earned, talk to the Crown/Coronets and find out what
Their opinion is on that person.  It will do a lot more good than sitting around
being upset about it and not knowing why.

Duke Logan

PERS2737@DALH.jcpenney.com wrote:

> Poster: <PERS2737@DALH.jcpenney.com>
> To  ATLANTIA--INET     Noble Atlantians
> From: C.J. Schaffer
> I do not find it odd that someone should recieve recognition from the
> Crown before recognition from the (Baronial) Coronet, especially for
> service awards. Take, for example, a gentle who goes to 2-3 events a
> month and always serves at the feast and helps with site clean up.
> Someone going to so many events and consistently helping out will
> eventually be noticed by the Crown or companion of the Gold Dolphin and
> recieve due recognition. The Baronial level service award is usually
> designed to honor those gentles who serve *the Barony* beyond what is
> expected of a subject of that Barony. This same gentle never autocrats,
> holds office, or heads up serving or clean up, and so is not doing *for
> the Barony* any more work than is expected of a subject. But doing this
> work at *every event* he attends is certainly more service *to the
> Kingdom* than is expected of a subject.
> For fighting and A&S awards, this logic breaks down a bit, but it could
> still happen with someone who teaches at University, but never at local
> A&S nights, for example. But i do not find a problem with gentles who
> have been recognized on the Kingdom level, but not on the Baronial
> level.
> Nils Olafsson
> Ponte Alto
> C.J. Schaffer  <><
> Personnel Supervisor            º JCPenney Store #2737-5
> (703) 448-9111                  º 7900 Tysons Corner Center
> (703) 448-7402 {fax}            º McLean, VA 22102-4500
> *** Forwarding note from EXTERNAL--INET     04/16/98 02:02 ***
> Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 18:10:14 -0400
> From: AEdric the Grene <AEdric@mindspring.com>
> Organization: House Howling Mouse, Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia
> X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04 [en] (Win95; U)
> To: Erik Dutton <edutton@worldnet.att.net>
> CC: "atlantia@atlantia.sca.org" <atlantia@atlantia.sca.org>
> References: <3533F37A.7FA0@ncsu.edu> <3533FB9A.C5DF46B0@mindspring.com> <3534AB
> AE.167EB0E7@pop.net> <3534D3E6.AA250F93@mindspring.com> <35350565.3DEB@worldnet
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> Sender: owner-atlantia@csc.ncsu.edu
> Reply-To: AEdric the Grene <AEdric@mindspring.com>
> X-Organization: The Merry Rose Tavern at Cheapside
> Precedence: bulk
> Poster: AEdric the Grene <AEdric@mindspring.com>
> > Poster: Erik Dutton <edutton@worldnet.att.net>
> >
> > AEdric the Grene wrote:
> > <snip>
> > > I know of at least three people who won Kingdom-level awards for work
> > > they did for a Barony (One of them actually did end up with both the Kingdo
> m and
> > > Barony award).  Seems kinda confusing to me.
> > <snip>
> > I also know people who have never held a Kingdom office, or really
> > played much at Kingdom level, but whose level of service at the Baronial
> > level has been so consistent and outstanding that some time after
> > receiving the Baronial service award, the folks in their Barony
> > campaigned for Kingdom-level honors for them. Just because you're not
> > working directly for a Kingdom-level office or the Crowns, doesn't mean
> > your service is not contributing to the Kingdom as a whole.
> I certainly didn't mean to imply that it did.  What I found confusing was why t
> hese
> individuals were obviously noticed by Crown for their service to their Barony,
> but
> find it odd that 2 out of 3 did not get Baronial level awards.  You would think
>  that
> their work would first be noticed by the Barony and then the Kingdom as you sug
> gest.
> To get a Kingdom award and not a Baronial award (ever) seems really strange.
> Certainly makes it seem like the awards are not clear in their criteria at some
>  level
> (Kingdom or Baronial) in at least the cases I mention or that there were other
> factors
> at work (which, if either, or both, I'm not qualified to say since I was nowher
> e near
> the people during the time the awards were made).  Just very strange overall.
> --
> AEdric the Grene
> Anglo-Saxon, KnowItAll wannabe, Cider drinker
> Arms: Per Pale, sable and vert (or is it vert and sable...)
> Legs: 3'6" (or so)
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