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Re: words & more words

Poster: Mike Dullaghan <michael.f.dullaghan@adn.alcatel.com>

On 11-Jun-98 Corun MacAnndra wrote:
>Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>
>I've never heard a protege called a pro. I have heard them called protes.
>In this age of acronyms and abbreviations we could probably stand to call
>something by its proper name. It's not all that hard, and will save of from
>the horrors of things like the Eubonic Plague.
>"This is <insert name> and she/he is my Protege."
>In service,
>Corun (who mundanely speaks acronym as a second language)

I play with computers for a living, and once answered a question from
a co-worker with, "It's a CPL in CMDNC0." Which, while only marginally
English, was a concise, complete answer to his question and

This last point is important. Many of us who are forced to fold,
spindle and mutilate ordinary English in our day to day lives become
even more protective of correct usage and clearer communication when
the opportunity arises.
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