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Re: A new idea perhaps?

Poster: AEdric the Grene <AEdric@mindspring.com>

> Poster: Heather Swann <heather@pop.net>
> > > Actually, the thing that I find really nifty is that they [Northshield] also
> > > define
> > > what each award is for.  I get the feeling they seem to have a strong
> > > handle on what level of work is suitable for each award. I don't think
> > > we really have that in Atlantia.
> > Miri
> > I seem to have noticed the same thing.  It seems odd how things work out in
> > Atlantia.  I know of at least three people who won Kingdom-level awards for work
> > they did for a Barony (One of them actually did end up with both the Kingdom and
> > Barony award).  Seems kinda confusing to me.
> >
> > --
> > AEdric the Grene
> I don't think it's really consistent.  Sometimes local work seems to
> count for Kingdom awards, sometimes it doesn't.  And I'm not talking
> about the difference between living in an independent shire or a
> barony.  I mean within the same local group.  Mostly people get a Pel
> after holding a Kingdom office, but sometimes they don't.  And that
> doesn't seem to be consistent with how well they did it.  Some folks get
> AoAs in 6 months.  Others take years while doing the same level of work
> or more.  I don't think we really have a standard.

One could say that Kingdom officer needs a letter-writing campaign to get an award
just like my lady wife would need a letter-writing campaign to get her AoA (which I
believe she deserves, but that's another point).  However, that's just plain silly.  A
Crown must be cognizant of the work done by Hir Officers.  If not, someone has messed
up somewhere.  Therefor, the problem must be either with vague standards for the award
or Royal whim.  And, I certainly hope Atlantia is beyond Royal whim as a reason to not
give someone an award (though I don't fool myself about the existence of cliques
within the Kingdom, either).  At the local level, I suspect either unawareness (though
this is harder to believe with officers) or the belief the person doesn't deserve the
award.  Again, I certainly hope the latter isn't because of cliquishness, but I find
it easier to believe it to be the case in small group situations.

Anyway, the possible evils of people not getting awards they deserve (beyond the
obvious fact that people do not make reccomendations) make me think the standards need
to be clearer.  Why?  Because as long as we're giving out awards they will act as a
goal to some, encouragment to some, and some way of distinguishing people.  Not
legalese, and certainly not disallowing that people of different mixes of qualities to
not get an award, but certainly something clearer than "given to those subjects of the
kingdom who have distinguished themselves" (as appears in several Kingdom awards).
Nothing will ever please everyone, but I believe that a hard look at award criteria is
something that needs to be looked at fairly often as this is the most commonly
occurring personal touch of the Kingdom in someone's life.

AEdric the Grene

Anglo-Saxon, KnowItAll wannabe, Cider drinker
Arms: Per Pale, sable and vert (or is it vert and sable...)
Legs: 3'6" (or so)

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